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Paul Archer’s CeMAP Online Bootcamp - 2024/25

You’ve decided that passing CeMAP is your first step to a great new career in mortgage advising and financial services.

You really want to get it done but you don’t have the money or time to attend a long drawn out class. Expensive, when you factor in the travel and accommodation.

You’re struggling to study on your own with just the textbook and you need some help, guidance and expertise.

You still have to earn a living full time and this makes it tricky to study as well. But you really want to get your CeMAP under your belt. If this is you, then you’ll favour Paul Archer’s CeMAP Online Bootcamp.

Designed to help you pass all the CeMAP with self paced learning. Online help and coaching covering the whole syllabus delivered personally by Paul Archer, who’s been training CeMAP since 1999 and have helped thousand’s of people pass through his innovative online materials.

Structured video and audio based lessons delivered to your device of choice. Weekly livestreams with access to Paul, more than 65 self directed lessons with over 100 hours of trainer video, added to every week, and 2,000 minutes of audio covering the syllabus. Plus Paul as your mentor via email.

Our Learning Management System is mobile friendly and allows you to watch the videos on any device with a web browser and that includes your phone. The small screen size is not ideal to see Paul's whiteboard which he uses to explain things on camera, so you may prefer a laptop or tablet.

The LMS is at have a look and see what you think. You can see the content in more detail and whether the system works on your device.

  • Optimized for all devices

  • Students resume learning exactly where they left off, even mid-video. Students can resume play on any device, including mobile, tablet, laptop, or desktop.

  • Easy course navigation

Do have a look at the site and check out CeMAP 1 as we have several of the lessons opened up for you to review the site.

And at a price that won’t break the bank and far cheaper than attending an expensive face to face course.

Join Paul Archer, mortgage adviser, manager and sales trainer since 1983, as he teaches this comprehensive course, designed for you. Paul’s LinkedIn

Paul's credentials:

  • Began in the mortgage sector in 1983 - over 40 years' experience. Mortgage Adviser, Financial Adviser, Manager, Consultant, Trainer and Coach.
  • CeMAP qualified, Level 4 IFA qualified, equity release, later-life funding, protection, supervisory qualified.
  • Author of a myriad of technical texts spanning all areas for both the CII and the LIBF.
  • All team are also fully qualified and experienced.
  • Began teaching CeMAP in 1999, when it started, trained thousands of students.
  • Founder and Managing Director of Archer Training Ltd in 2001
  • Working with dozens of banks, lenders, brokers and insurers in the UK and the world.

How Does it Work?

You can enrol at any time to suit you as the course is self paced and all the multimedia is accessible via the Learning Management System. You'll have access to the system for a complete year and can choose the timescale to suit you.

The great thing about Paul Archer's CeMAP Bootcamp is that you're not alone. If you want to sign up and just get on with it, then you can do that. If you want weekly livestreams and email contact with can have it with our Bootcamp.

You need to book your CeMAP exams once you've worked out your schedule.

The lessons are based around videos. You watch the videos and enjoy the interactive experience of Paul teaching you a topic. You can watch these time and time again. The lessons are delivered via our Learning Management System – and you can view them on any device to suit. In all, you have just over 100 hours of video footage and each week more is added exclusively for Bootcampers.

Every other day, you'll get to listen to a podcast where Paul will talk to you on the topics you’ve just been watching videos on. Essentially, he’ll be chatting to you around the LIBF textbook to ensure you understand everything so far. In all you have just under 2,000 minutes of online audio content to stream, that's 33 hours covering the whole syllabus. Again all of this is exclusive to Bootcampers.

Some of the lessons will involve exams to see how you’re progressing and you’ll also have access to eBooks of Paul’s renowned Revision Guides.

We have an Online Community Hub to chat and discuss your learnings with other Bootcampers. We're all one team. Plus a facility to post your questions to the team to ask any question on CeMAP or your career in mortgages. Paul’s been active in the mortgage sector for almost 40 years and works with major lenders, brokers and advisers. He has his finger on the pulse

You can email Paul at any time, using the Learning Management System, with questions.

Every Monday, you can watch Paul's CeMAP Livestream broadcast on YouTube -  This livestream will be recorded and you can view this at anytime. Many Bootcampers prefer to do this.

You’ll have access to the CeMAP Online Bootcamp for 365 days but the aim is to get your CeMAPs done and dusted within this time frame.

Set Your Pace

We've created three streams to help you pace yourself on Bootcamp. We call this "Set Your Pace". Below you can find details of our three paces - running, jogging and walking.

You'll see that we have given you suggested timescales for each pace.  These are your choice, just recommendations. You can take as long or short as you like as Bootcamp is completely flexible for how long you take to complete your exams.

Some people like a little bit of guidance or help.


This is our fast-track version. You can complete your exams within one month without crashing. We suggest you devote 30 hours per week and this pace is really only suitable for someone who is not working full-time anywhere else and is driven to work extremely hard for one month.

We've created a PDF schedule to help you pace yourself and you can download this by clicking here.


This is our medium-track version. You take two months to complete the exams devoting around 15 hours per week. Quite possible if you're working full time elsewhere but if you are juggling other commitments like family and partners, you might find it a struggle. Remember these are just suggestions; you can go as fast or slow as you wish.

You can download the schedule here.


Finally we have our walking pace. Four months and 8 hours per week. Ideal for someone working full-time with other commitments too. This is the favourite pace for most people on Bootcamp but remember you have up to 12 months so there's plenty of time.

You can download the schedule here.

Interested? Next Steps

The investment, just £399 including VAT, for the whole CeMAP, tutoring and expert coaching to help you pass the exams within 12 months at home. You can pay by credit card on our secure systems.

Alternatively you can opt for the CeMAP 1 Online Bootcamp alone, which costs £225 including VAT or the CeMAP 2 Bootcamp at £199 or the CeMAP  3 Bootcamp at £95. You have access to these for 12 months too. You can buy these when you're ready but bear in mind the full Bootcamp comes with a very generous discount (£75) on the individual prices.

You also need to register and pay the exam fee with the LIBF to take the exams, speak to them directly on this. - the cost for the exams alone is just shy of £700.

Summary of Features

  • Study in your own time, at home or anywhere with internet streaming.
  • Hundreds of hours of trainer videos. These are Paul explaining the topic visually on a Whiteboard, just like you would see on a course. They are not PowerPoint wordy slides being narrated by someone.
  • Audio to further colour the learning.
  • Fully structured with suggested timescales.
  • Support with “Ask the Tutor” via email and a Community hub to chat with others.
  • Access for 12 months.
  • The learning system is fully compatible with laptops, PCs or phones. You can download the app for your phone to learn easily.
  • Detailed Content and Schedule

    CeMAP 1

    Lesson 1 Introducing the financial services industry
    Lesson 2 Economic policy and financial regulation
    Lesson 3 UK taxation (1)
    Lesson 4 UK taxation (2)
    Lesson 5 State benefits
    Lesson 6 Direct investments: cash and fixed-interest securities
    Lesson 7 Other direct investments 
    Lesson 8 Collective investments
    Lesson 9 Tax wrappers
    Lesson 10 Pension products
    Lesson 11 Life assurance
    Lesson 12 Health and general insurance
    Lesson 13 Secured and unsecured lending
    Lesson 14 Understanding and satisfying customer needs
    Lesson 15 The main advice areas
    Lesson 16 Key legal concepts
    Lesson 17 Unit 1 Exams
    Lesson 18 The FCA’s aims and activities
    Lesson 19 Regulating firms and individuals 
    Lesson 20 Prudential supervision
    Lesson 21 Conduct of business requirements (1) 
    Lesson 22 Conduct of business requirements (2)
    Lesson 23 Consumer credit
    Lesson 24 Money laundering 
    Lesson 25 Other regulation affecting the advice process
    Lesson 26 Consumer rights, complaints and compensation
    Lesson 27 Unit 2 Exams

    CeMAP 2

    Lesson 1 Property and mortgage markets
    Lesson 2 Types of borrower
    Lesson 3 Mortgage regulation
    Lesson 4 Mortgage and property law 
    Lesson 5 Buying a property: an overview
    Lesson 6 The legal aspects of property purchase
    Lesson 7 Regulation and the buying process
    Lesson 8 Scottish law on mortgages and house purchase
    Lesson 9 Unit 3 Exams
    Lesson 10 The role of the mortgage adviser
    Lesson 11 Assessing the applicant’s financial status
    Lesson 12 Checking the applicant’s credit status and suitability
    Lesson 13 Assessing the property and surveys
    Lesson 14 Other factors that affect the lending decision
    Lesson 15 Unit 4 Exams
    Lesson 16 Financial Planning and Protection
    Lesson 17 Types of Financial Protection I
    Lesson 18 Types of Financial Protection II
    Lesson 19 Protection Advice
    Lesson 20 Unit 5 Exams
    Lesson 21 Mortgage repayment methods and endowments
    Lesson 22 Other repayment vehicles for interest-only mortgages 
    Lesson 23 Interest-rate options
    Lesson 24 Other mortgage products
    Lesson 25 Schemes for specific groups of borrower
    Lesson 26 Raising additional funds from property
    Lesson 27 Transferring mortgages
    Lesson 28 Arrears and debt management
    Lesson 29 Lenders’ legal rights and remedies
    Lesson 30 Unit 6 Exams

    CeMAP 3

    Lesson 1 How CeMAP 3 Works    
    Lesson 2 The Practice Case Studies - Over 36 Case Studies
    Lesson 3  The Podcast Series - 12 audios to help pass CeMAP 3
    Lesson 4  Over 25 Trainer Videos for Tricky Topics in CeMAP 3
    Lesson 5 12 Short Form Case Studies to Practise with Explainer Videos
    Lesson 6  12 Long-Form Case Studies to Practise with Explainer Videos
    Lesson 7  6 Further Case Studies with Explainer Videos Lesson
    Lesson 8  Complete Mock Paper with audio explainer

    Bonus Revision Material

    Bonus 1
    • CeMAP 1 Podcast Series - 527 minutes
    • CeMAP 1 Revision Guide - Digital
    Bonus 2
    • CeMAP 2 Podcast Series - 430 minutes
    • CeMAP 3 Podcast Series- 415 minutes
    • CeMAP 2 Revision Guide - Digital

    How to Enrol

    Just click on the buttons to enrol, use your credit or debit card using our secure systems. Follow the instructions to enrol yourself directly onto our Learning Management System.

    Alternatively head straight to our Learning Management System page where you can sign in for free and take a look at our on-demand courses at your leisure and try it out to see if it fits. Go here


I Want to Think About It

Send me a CeMAP Question everyday please, for free, whilst I think about it. Just enter your email address in the box below. If you prefer to talk to Paul directly before making a decision, email him and he'll set up a phone call meeting for ten minutes with you.